#2 self-development backstage | how to be 1% better • enhanced Wikipedia
This time my challenge is to be like Shrek 2 - even better then first release.
If you remember, I had a question for you about the best position while reading. I received a few responses, but one of them serves as a true summary of all the rest.
"We have to accept the fact that being a reader is associated with a subscription to a physiotherapist."
The subscription itself will be a term of my next question to you - as "always", at the end of the newsletter.
One of the responses inspired me for picking the second book. Last time I've shared my new habit - mini-workouts after yoga. But that was just a mere fact, without further explanations, why I decided to work on it in this specific way. So if you want to know:
Why I've chosen 1 month of boring and damn simple workouts?
How to make your successful-habits rate higher?
Then I can suggest a book for you. In "Atomic habits", James Clear is explaining how to be 1% better every day. Since reading it and implementing some of his advice, I managed to developed 2 additional habits. I won't tell you that forming new habits now becomes quicker, but I can tell that once you know how to tackle it, it's much more straightforward.
Let's continue the idea of habits today. One of the changes I made in forming habits is using the mobile app for keeping track of my progress. As I'm using Android, I've chosen Loop Habit Tracker. Why this one? It's free, super simple, has minimalistic UI, reminders, and statistics of progress.
Besides habit tracking, this app has one additional purpose for me. Since I keep forgetting whether or not I have already taken medications I put them as they were habits-in-progress.
Now I have to tick it once I've taken a particular, say, pill. So ticking was my way to be sure if I will not take a double dose. But it turned out that checking action caused me to actually remember that I did it. From everyday struggle (did I already take it or not?) now it happens only a few times in the past months.
Useful websites
Wikiwand is my must-have chrome extension for making Wikipedia more readable. To be honest, as I'm using it for several years, I forgot how real Wikipedia looks like. I've checked it for making a comparison for you - nothing changed.
Basically, Wikiwand is just swapping URLs for their domain where they are simply presenting Wikipedia pages in a better way. You can check how it's working without installing an extension.
Compare Wikiwand with regular Wikipedia
14 ways to stay private when using Android - tips and explanations on how and why to keep your Android phone more secure
Next question for You!
As a mobile developer, I'm exploring paid plans and our motivation for paying periodically for services. Do you have any paid subscriptions besides these entertainment-like such as Spotify or Netflix? I will tell you about mine in the next newsletter, so stay tuned!
One more thing
Above question is a real question for you, therefore, I'm literally waiting for you to answer me back. Even one or two sentences are great. As you can see I'm referring to some of them, and they are truly making these letters unique.